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JUNE 2024

Greetings, LVC Insider!

Thank you for your continued support to the Lutheran Volunteer Corps! Your gifts, cards, and stories bring inspiration, opportunity, and relief to members of your country and community. Please read about our first joint staff-board meeting of 2024 below, as well as an updated list of our placement positions, a profile of a former LVC fellow, and an exciting announcement regarding the Forbes Funds through The Pittsburgh Foundation.


Meet Our Friend, Emily Littleton:

The LVC board of directors and the staff recently convened a joint meeting facilitated by LVC friend and volunteer Emily Littleton, formerly the Vice President of Corporate Communications for NPR. The purpose of the strategy session was to ensure consistency in the framework of our mission.

During our meeting, we discussed our interpretations of the LVC brand, the value and impact of our efforts, and further aligned our images of LVC’s future. Through an authentic conversation about what the LVC means to its members, we can more clearly express our powerful message to our supporters, alumni, Fellows, and placement partners. Uniting our goals for this organization has renewed confidence in our ability to make a difference and transform lives—the lives of our placement participants, those we serve, and those who support our essential mission.

We sincerely thank everyone who enables us to continue our work. We reiterate that while the world may be fractal, our commitment to addressing inequality and injustice is not.



Our Current 2025 Placement Positions:

Washington, DC:

  • L'Arche Greater Washington DC - L'Arche Fellow,
  • Community of Hope - Patient Advocate,
  • Capital Area Immigrants' Rights (CAIR) Coalition - Paralegal - Detained Adult Program (DAP),
  • Samaritan Ministry of Greater Washington - Casework Intern,
  • Luther Place Church - LVC Fellow (LVC 2024),
  • Government Accountability Project - Education Associate,
  • Little Friends for Peace (LFFP) - Peace Coach Assistant and Communication Coordinator,
  • Government Accountability Project - Communications Associate,
  • Joseph's House - Community Care Volunteer,
  • N Street Village - Housing and Homelessness,

Twin Cities, MN:

  • Augsburg University - Food Initiatives Program Coordinator,
  • Restorative Justice Community Action - Adult Program Assistant,
  • Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota, Refugee Services - Case Management Assistant (LSS-2024),
  • Minneapolis Area Synod ECLA - Communications and Engagement Specialist,
  • The Advocates for Human Rights (LVC-2024) - Refugee and Immigrant Intake Assistant,

Chicago, IL:

  • Girls in the Game - Chicago Coordinator (Remote).

Please note that some Placement Partners offer more than one Position. We have received 47 official applications to fill our 2025 Placements!



On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Interim Executive Director, we are pleased to announce that we have been awarded a Management Assistance Grant and accepted into The Forbes Funds' Executive in Residence (EIR) Program. With this admission, The Forbes Funds, a division of the Pittsburgh Foundation, will provide executive-level advisory services to assist LVC in increasing organizational agility, impact, and sustainability.

As a team, the Board of Directors and the staff will collaborate closely with Forbes Funds Executives to develop a more robust and determined marketing and financial plan. This collective effort will significantly strengthen LVC's ability to create meaningful change in our Placement cities. Since the inception of the EIR program, over 40 nonprofit executives have received invaluable support, leading to new funding, more effective asset management, and the development of long-term organizational strengths in operations and governance.

The Forbes Funds and the Pittsburgh Foundation, much like LCV, are committed to inclusion, community and service, diversity, equity, and social justice.

The LVC Board of Directors and staff are honored by the Forbes Funds' commitment to our mission and are confident that our collaboration will usher in a new wave of clarity and enthusiasm.





"There were lots of volunteers in the LVC's 1983-1984 year, in DC and beyond. The LVC year was designed and supported so well. We lived simply, dividing up our $70 each per month, pushing a grocery cart to an inner city grocery store. A real simplified living aspect was that none of us had cars! We all served our placements for the full year, mine was great. Although from different backgrounds, different ages, newly in DC, we had great community rituals and bonding activities.  And I think we were each equipped to continue living as committed Christians doing ministry.  Based on my experience, LVC is definitely worthy to donate to.
For me, a major event that year was that I lost much of my vision and was diagnosed with MS. After the LVC year, with the incredible support from the LVC organization and from my placement, I was able to walk through that staying in DC, and got set up with good medical care. After the LVC year, I was able to take advantage of that medical care and stayed in DC for nine years while I worked part-time at Bread for the World.
When the MS progressed I returned to live with my parents in Washington state and have been perched here ever since. During my time here, I've set up a "God's Money Fund" to do mission projects. My projects include sponsoring children, potable water, and farm projects, mostly in Guatemala and supporting many other Christian social justice projects. I'm grateful for the LVC year which launched me into many directions that have been important in my Christian walk."
The following images are from Carrie's LVC tenure:



The LVC is also thrilled to announce that we have accepted a partnership with Celestial Manna, an organization that fights food insecurity by delivering healthy and diverse food options to those in need. Fellows who reside in DC, Maryland, and Virginia will have the opportunity to “shop” at three different distribution centers in the metro DC area and make food selections that meet their taste and dietat no cost!

Fellows who reside in the Twin Cities will be posted on additional alliances that we can forge in the area so they will
have the same opportunities!

Read on to learn about the good work Celestial Manna is doing within affected communities:

“Celestial Manna is a faith-based 501(c)(3) food recovery nonprofit founded in 1986 by Charlie Mann. What began as a means to feed his family has grown into an organization supporting over 20,000 people monthly in DC, Maryland, and Northern Virginia.

Our primary mission is to help our neighbors who are food insecure. What is food insecurity? Food insecurity is about making tough choices – Do we eat dinner this week or pay the gas bill? Do I buy food for the weekend, or do I buy diapers? Do I put money on my Metro pass to get to work, or do I eat lunch today? This means children are waiting for school to start on Monday for the complimentary breakfast and lunch because that’s the only time they have consistent access to food.

How does Celestial Manna fight food insecurity? We recover food from grocery stores, restaurants, and local farms that would otherwise be discarded and share it in the harvest! With the help of a vast and dedicated group of volunteers, we are able to pick up and distribute these donations to communities where people are affected by poverty. We do this up to twice a day, 7 days a week, throughout the DMV. We support people from all walks of life and diverse ethnicities: blue-collar workers, low-income families, single-parent households, etc.… We gauge success by the countless personal testimonies from individuals and families we help in our communities. Ours is a labor of love, and we work for smiles!”


The Impact of Your Financial Partnership:

$240 provides a Fellow's Stipend from the Living and Learning Impact Fund for food, local travel to the charity where our Fellows serve, and incidentals,

$1,650 houses six Fellows in DC's Bon House AND provides a Fellow's Impact Living and Learning stipend,

$3,330 provides rent, housing, and utilities for Six Fellows in the ENTIRE Bon House (in DC) for one month!

Please consider providing a monetary gift to support our Volunteers!



LVC has received over 90 interest applications for social justice fellowships, which is more interest than we've had in years! The staff are busy interviewing and assessing commitment levels, and waiting to see how this boosted interest will translate into enrolled participants in the fellowship program. You can sign up HERE as long as you're at least 21 years old and can commit to a year. 



  • Please communicate with us and share your insights, observations, and suggestions to news@lutheranvolunteercorps.org
  • Spread the word! Tell your community why you support Lutheran Volunteer Corps by sharing your support on social media.
  • JOIN OUR MISSION! We invite you to become an LVC insider! Click here to join our campaign of inclusion to receive News & Updates, announcements, and invitations for in-person and video gatherings!
  • To make an even more significant impact: Make a gift to our "Fellow's Stipend Living and Learning Impact Fund" by reaching out to our Interim Executive Director, Jean Ahwesh at jahwesh@lutheranvolunteercorps.org or by calling her at 724-316-9507.



Lutheran Volunteer Corps
1226 Vermont Avenue NW  | Washington, District of Columbia 20005
202-387-3222 | operations@lutheranvolunteercorps.org

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